Tuesday, March 27, 2012

The Other Half of the Dream

Today started out like every Tuesday morning...at the barn with Gracie. I decided to work with her on ground work instead of riding, and threw on my new saddle, pad and girth to have her work with them on, in case there were problems with fit. We worked about 20 minutes on the lunge, working on transitions. She had a lot of energy to burn and didn't like coming back down from the canter, and threw in a few bucks here and there for fun. At one point she got so hyper she bucked several times trying to pull me down the arena. A loud "knock it off" brought her attention back to me.

We did have a breakthrough on the lunge today, even with the bronc show going on. One, she kept her inside ear bent to me, listening for direction. And two, she kept licking, showing me she was relaxed and willing. Normally we don't have this, she usually does what she feels like on the lunge and we burn some energy, but no real communication ever takes place.

After the lunging, I took off the saddle (which seems to be just fine on her) and set her free to run. After rolling in the wettest spot she could find, she kept walking back over to me for a scratch. Then heading away to sniff out any hidden monsters, then back for another scratch.

She got a good grooming, then back to the clean stall for a nap. Not a bad morning to be a Thoroughbred.

I jumped in the truck and headed into town to meet my new Equine Massage instructor and pick up my materials. As of today, I am officially enrolled in Equine Massage Therapy School. (Hubby calls it "Horse Rubby School") By this time next year, I will be certified in my state to work on horses. And Gracie will be one relaxed mare.

Monday, March 19, 2012

Remember Justin Morgan?

We have another contender! Since I've handed over my search to my dressage trainer, I've been patiently waiting for videos and pics of new horses. Today I received info on a boy who has a lot of potential. Tall, dark, handsome...yep, I do fall prey to a pretty face. He's got the training I want, has quite a bit of show experience, loves to trail ride, and...is LOCAL!

I'm really skeptical, and not willing to get my hopes up quite yet. But if all goes well, I could be going to see him this week. He's a little shorter than what I was hoping for, but only by an inch, and what he lacks in height I hear he makes up for in muscle, and his engine is in the rear, right where it needs to be.

I could quite possibly be showing with a new partner by summer...and then off to the big Morgan show in August...(did I just say that?) Not sure that's the route we will go, but I'm keeping all options open.

Sunday, March 11, 2012

California Dreaming

It's not something I ever thought I'd consider, but I'm thinking about a horse in California. Being in the rainy, dreary Pacific Northwest, the Golden State is usually a spring break destination for us each year. It's not unusual to hop on a plane and head to the sun for some much needed vitamin D this time of year (and boy do I need it after this winter we've had.) But a day trip to see a potential horse?

My dressage trainer has found something special...a Morgan mare (yep, a Morgan...I know, I thought they only showed saddle seat too, but I do hold a soft spot for them after leasing one way back in my teens) about 16 hh, and trained up through first level dressage. And has shown in the open circuit, and did well. More Warmblood looking than Morgan and has the talent to bring us to levels in dressage I hadn't even considered for my future. She's got a California price tag too.

I've seen only one video, with the promise of more coming...but the movements on this girl are large, yet elegant with a trot even my bulging disk can sit. I hate to start feeling optimistic, but with my trainer by my side guiding me through the process, I think we could be closer to "the one."

Not sure how many trips sweet hubby is going to agree to, but I'm ready to pack up my helmet, breeches and field boots and head south. At least if I'm not loading a horse onto a large Air Van ride to the Emerald City by the end of our trip, I'm sure I can console myself with a nice visit to an Elephant Bar (do they still have those???)

Thursday, March 8, 2012

Big Black Horse and the Cherry Tree

Another horse shopping appointment, another rejection letter. This boy was big, bold and gorgeous. Schooling first level, had proven himself in the ring in training level. Even my trainer had hopes for this one.

His owner happened to be a really sweet girl, sharing lots about him as she tacked him up. (He's girthy...ok, well I can deal with girthy) Apparently he has passed out while being girthed up...red flag going up. His hoof abscess was healing, but he still seemed to be favoring it. And not so good manners in the cross ties. I wasn't getting good vibes at this point.

She led him to the arena and lunged him, and he did quite well. Smooth gaits, listens well, maybe he was going to end up being a prospect for me. She mounted, and started him into the trot. Big, elegant trot. And then the canter. He doesn't transition up to the canter, instead he bucks along until he gives up and heads into the canter. At this point, I've decided I probably am not going for a ride. But he calms down, and has a large, powerful canter. I should mention his owner is one of the most talented riders I have ever seen.

I change my mind and want to give him a go. I climb up all 17 hands of him, and off we go. He leg yields nicely. From the walk to the trot, he does ok, but realizes I am greener than his owner and wants to test me. He wants to canter. I don't. And the rodeo begins. Through the jumping and bucking I am hoping I fall pretty. Hubby stops recording the ride and starts praying. The bronc does calm down long enough for me to take the emergency exit.

Que KT...

Monday, March 5, 2012

Miles and Miles of Thoroughbreds and Not a Horse to be Found!

I'm a good shopper. Let me rephrase that, I'm an EXCELLENT shopper. So why is horse shopping so incredibly difficult?

First horse: Nice bay gelding. Super sweet puppy dog personality. Huge (like I like 'em). No motor...not a dressage prospect if you have to whip them into the canter. Can see the judges remarks now: Between A and F, working canter left lead. "unwilling, unbalanced, disobedient why is this horse even here?"

Second horse: Nice boy, wanted to be loved on. Infected foot, rain rot all over neck, ringworm. Had been in the pasture for some time. Hated to walk away from him, since I'm a "stray dog fixer upper kind of gal." Hubby reminds me I'm looking for a teammate, not a project. I've already got a project at home (my rescue dog)

Third horse: The horse I held most hope for. Training 2nd level, lovely gaits, nice price...and sold before I got there.

Fourth horse: rescheduled due to abscessed hoof. Still hoping for the best on this one.

I live only 30 minutes from a famous race track...I should be having no problem finding a OTTB that meets the qualifications I have in mind. With several dressage barns around me, there should be something out there thats sound, trained up further than I am, well taken care of and ready to work!

I feel like the girl who got asked to the prom, only to realize that the shops with dresses are the picked over consignment stores. Luckily, I've already paid for the limo :)

Friday, March 2, 2012

The Cart Before The Horse!

I'll just come out with it...hubby bought me a horse trailer! (Can you hear my squeals through your monitor?)

We found it in a round about way through Craig's List. A lady was selling a nice trailer, good price. Hubby calls on it, it's already sold. Lady tells hubby her friends also have just decided to sell their trailer. Gives hubby number, hubby calls. You know when car lots try to tell you that the lovely auto you want to buy is a one-owner-grandma-drove-it-on-the-weekends type of car? Well this trailer is the real "grandma drove it" deal. This 1998 Circle J was purchased new, pulled a few times, then parked in their shop for the last few years. It was covered in thick dust, but you could see there was not even a scratch on the paint! No dents, didnt even look like it had ever been used except for the hay still in the manger. With a used trailer price. I'm giddy.

And...its a 3 horse. So Gracie and my barn mates will no longer be bumming rides from other trailer owners to get to the shows. We'll be able to schedule trail rides, and vet visits. And we'll be able to take my horse on our summer trips each summer across the state...

I know, you're thinking "but, you don't have a horse." Today I test rode a contender, and Sunday I will be seeing another boy that looks to be exactly what I have been looking for. I'm feeling pretty optimistic that my new trailer will soon be hauling my new horse to his new home.

But first said trailer needs to be delivered to my driveway in suburbia for a deep cleaning and polish. Won't the neighbors think I'm nifty? ;)