Over the last few weeks, I got it into my head that Gracie would be a much happier horse if she were moved over to a stall with a run. She could see the other horses, get some fresh air and see the world.
When I pulled up this morning, my Sunday riding buddy asked how she was liking her new stall...she's been moved? I was so excited for her as I emptied all my tack from the truck and headed over to the other barn to check out her new crib. Even though my lease fee was going to increase, I felt it was going to be a great situation for both of us. She was going to have an improved attitude, and be ready to work each day.
Boy did I get that one wrong. I'd been told that in the past, Gracie had a boyfriend and they had to be separated to get her to work. I had thought she'd forgotten that boyfriend...but she hadn't, and he was in the stall across from her. And she did not want to leave him.
I led her to the arena to groom, and she wouldn't stop calling to him, and he to her. With each call, she grew more anxious and panicky. She started sweating. And wanted nothing to do with me, even forgetting to give me my own space as she moved back and forth as I tried to groom her. It wasn't going to work. I decided to set her free in the arena and let her run some of the anxiety out. This only made matters worse...she had now decided she was part jumper, and was thinking about jumping the arena gate to get back to her soul mate.
It wasnt a good situation, she wasnt calming down, she was getting more fired up as each moment passed. I put the help call into her owner, and it was decided she wasn't returning to her stall with the run, but heading back to her more isolated stall. But I'd have to catch her first. I grabbed my dressage whip, and headed out to the center of the arena. She thought about running me over, but then she saw the lead rope in my hand..."oh? We're going back now, oh thank goodness we're going back" She headed back to me and let me catch her.
I needed a focused horse, so I asked for some ground manners, and we worked on backing up. As soon as she was thinking about what I needed, I headed her into her old stall. She was dripping wet, steaming. And clearly upset at the trick I just pulled. She started calling to her boyfriend, but she couldnt hear him calling back. I left her for an hour or so.
When I returned, she was matted in dry sweat. It took quite a bit of effort to get her groomed and blanketed, but she's all tucked back in to her old stall...without her soul mate.
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