Tuesday, April 24, 2012


How does one even title a post that is about realizing a lifelong dream?  Every time I try to come up with something, the tears blur my vision, so a one worded title is going to have to summarize my last two weeks.  Mine.  MINE.  MINE!!!  Yes, I have a horse, registered to me, dependent on me.  I can barely sleep at night.

Like a new mom, I'm thrilled and terrified.  What if I mess her up, all those years of training erased by my amateur seat?  What if Timothy isn't available and she'll have to have Alfalfa? When can we be ready for our first show?!  Walking into her stall is like going on vacation, only better.  Everything else in the world just doesn't exist, it's just me and my mare.

She rides beautifully.  Needs only light rein and leg, and responds to my seat with little effort.  Rides in a snaffle or a double bridle, both equally well.  Non spooky (woah what's that like??), is sensible and so far was only curious about weed whackers, lawn mowers and tarps blowing in the wind.  I have yet to find her vice (I'm not naive, I know it's there, but after 2 and a half weeks, not much has come up.  Unless you count that she's 100 pounds underweight and shedding out like crazy.)  Not show ready, but still, she's lovely. And mine. :)

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