When heading out of town for 4 days, I usually have a check list of things that must get done before my flight. Parents arrival to stay with the kids...check. Pet food and supplies well stocked...check. House clean and organized...check. Sunscreen and bikinis packed...check.
Add a new one to my pre-vacation check list: Horse taken care of...check. Let's be clear on what this does not mean. It does not mean I swing by the barn, let the manager know I'm heading out of town, and hope all goes well. Are you kidding? This is my horse we are talking about!
To prep my horse for my four day absence, I need the day before my travels to be spent at the barn. With the horse sitter. And my trainer. My trainer and I show the horse sitter how she lunges. How she likes her legs wrapped. How she likes to have her two cookies when back in the cross ties after her workout. Which hoof pick works best, which MTG bottle to use on her tail, and which brushes bring out the best shine.
We go through my plastic tote (you know, the plastic tote kept in the tack room, the one full of every type of horse product in tubes, pastes and bottles in case one of 200 different emergencies could arise). I point out what items I use on a daily basis.
I double check her supplements, clean her stall, water buckets, and pick her hooves one last time. I check to be sure every appropriate number ever needed is still on her stall door. I check her grain and oat cans to be sure she has enough. I go into her stall one last time, kiss that soft nose and let her know I will only be gone a few days.
Then I finally board my plane, arrive at my destination, lay next to the pool with a cold drink and Dressage magazines in hand and wait. My phone finally chirps at me...horse sitter checking in, all is going fine.
Yep, I'm now that neurotic horse owner. :)
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