Sunday, July 29, 2012

Six Days and a Wake Up

 Show day is only seven days away.  I'm not nervous at all, which is a miracle in itself.  Only five months ago I was showing on the back of a Thoroughbred that did acrobatics in the show ring that the Spanish riding school would be proud a walk/ trot class.  And though I loved and still do love Grace, my new mare is simply amazing. 
 We've worked through bit issues, collection issues, flexing issues.  Six more days of training, and we'll be loading into the trailer and going to our first show together.  This is where my nerves lay.  The only time I trailered my girl, she had an accident in the back of the trailer, which resulted in a month of nursing a hurt fetlock, a swollen eyelid, and am expensive vet visit.  This time, she will be wrapped, traveling with barn buddies and kept busy with hay even on this short trip.  And along with a week of prayers to the horse gods, and fingers crossed, we will make it to the show grounds unscathed.
 With new show shoes, a new show saddle, and many, many hours working together, we're ready to take home some ribbons, if only to prove to hubby that my new horse is indeed a winner.

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